Monday, September 23, 2013


I didn't do a good job with the baby book record-keeping for either kid. That is, unless you could how meticulously I filed their prior pediatrician evaluations, and even somewhat chronologically.

No? Doesn't count? Well, I tried...

The main thing I regret is not documenting Sam's vernacular as she started to form sentences. These days, I'm constantly blown away by how much she just knows and can name, absorbed from some sight unseen (telescope? where the heck did you learn tht?).

There are the biggies that I can name. Her monkey was once "ah-ah," her cousin is "cee-cee." The playground was once "whee."

But here are some current ones:
knickers = fingers
whee = swing
yesterday = any point in the past, as in "remember yesterday when I was a baby?"

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